A microwave and Wi-Fi

I am trying to be more comfortable in front of a camera, so I made a video where I show the effect of a Microwave on 2.4GHz. You can see the video here: https://youtu.be/KPnneBnHWc0 Remember, this is just a fun video of me showing why we need so many tools for our job. In Wi-Fi,…

Meraki Roaming Panel

Recently Meraki has released a new panel called «Roaming». This panel will show roaming history for every wireless client in your dashboard. This is great, and something that I have missed. Meraki dashboard is getting better and better, maybe because Cisco+Meraki = TRUE and they are all now a big happy family helping each other.…

WlanPi-R4 capture with 7 WLAN adapters

I often do roaming analysis, and this has been quite easy with Metageek Eye P.A where you can add 6-8 adapters and follow a client (usually a voice client, or client drivers that fix or break FT) to do roaming analysis. Validate things like FT (if supported), what band it prefers and how long it…


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